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Top 5 law degree specializations in the UK!

Explore the various law degree specializations in the United Kingdom for a lucrative career!
Bachelor of law (LLB)
A 3-year undergraduate course that covers 7 core modules, from criminal law to administrative law.

Graduate diploma in law (GDL)

Meant for students who do not have an undergraduate background in law, this
one year conversion course equips you with the A-Z of being an entry level lawyer.
Learn more about law courses in the UK!
Masters of law (LLM)
A 1 year postgraduate course, it opens doors to multiple specializations. The avenues of specialization range from research to practice focused.

Bar professional training course (BPTC)
This postgraduate degree is a prerequisite for students looking to practice law. It offers training to obtain a valid practicing license.
Read about several types of law degrees that can give you an  extra edge to begin your legal career.