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Queen Mary University was established in 1887. Queen Mary is an essential focus for medical teaching and research. It is part of UCLPartners, the world's largest academic health science center. Queen Mary University has many notable alumni, including eight Nobel Laureates among its professors and graduates. Jane Hill of BBC News, former House of Commons Leader Peter Hain, and Iceland's President Guni Th. Jóhannesson.
Situated in London, England, British Columbia, Canada, The Main Campus of the Queen Mary University of London is at Mile End and Whitechapel. Mile End is home to most humanities, social science and science, and engineering students. Medicine and dentistry students are primarily based at Whitechapel and Charterhouse Square, with some teaching at West Smithfield and Mile End campuses.
The London School of Dentistry and Medicine, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and the Faculty of Science and Engineering and Life Sciences Institute are all located at the Queen Mary University of London. The university has over 27,000 students and more than 4,600 members of staff. With students from over 160 countries, Queen Mary University of London is one of the most internationally diverse institutions in the world.
Find miscellaneous information about students, campus and faculty of Queen Mary University of London below.
The cost is an important aspect of choosing your dream college. Get detailed information about Queens Mary University of London’s tuition fees, living expenses and financial aid opportunities below.
Note: All the costs mentioned below are average costs annually.
£21,200 GBP
£21,200 GBP
£26,750 GBP
£26,750 GBP
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