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The University of Surrey is a research-oriented university, ranked in the top ten in the United Kingdom and among one of the best universities worldwide. Founded in 1966, the university provides an innovative and supportive environment that enables the students to achieve their potential and be successful in their careers. A Surrey degree is recognized internationally as an outstanding achievement. The University of Surrey has two vibrant campuses, one in Manor Park and the other in Stag Hill. Many museums, libraries, parks, restaurants, a bookstore, a laundromat, cafes, and pubs are all within walking distance of the campus.
In 2023, the University of Surrey will celebrate its 60th anniversary as a university. In the past six decades, it has grown to become one of the largest research-oriented universities in the United Kingdom, with a vibrant community of more than 30,000 students from almost 120 countries and staff from over 100 different countries. The professional bodies accredit several departments at the University of Surrey. Surrey Business School is accredited by the Association of MBAs (AMBA) and the Association of Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).
The University of Surrey offers a wide range of courses and degree programs, including joint degrees in partnership with Charles Darwin University in Australia, RMIT University in Melbourne, China Agricultural University in Beijing, Fudan University in Shanghai, and Nagoya City University in Japan. The University of Surrey ranks in the top 100 for some subjects, including Hospitality and Tourism Management, Nursing, Sociology, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Transportation Science and Technology, and Veterinary Sciences. The key research themes of the university include Lifelong health, Sustainability, Technology & Society, and Urban living.
The University of Surrey takes exceptional care of its students by assisting them with scholarships and bursaries. It offers career opportunities in various fields.
Find miscellaneous information about students, campus, and faculty of the University of Surrey below - Total Students at University of Surrey - 32000 International Students - 36% Student Gender Distribution - Male: 46%, Female: 54% Student-Faculty Ratio - 15: 1 Annual Average Earning after Graduation - 53,333 GBP
The cost is an important aspect of choosing your dream college. Get detailed information about the University of Surrey tuition fees, living expenses, and financial aid opportunities below.
Note: All the costs mentioned below are average costs annually.
Application Fee - 22 GBP
Note: All the costs mentioned below are average costs annually.
£20,946 GBP
£31,554 GBP
£3,744 GBP
£20,995 GBP
£24,739 GBP
£3,744 GBP
The University of Surrey has an acceptance rate of 65%. It has a moderately selective admission policy.
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