Different Types of Scholarships for Masters Degree to Study Abroad

Different Types of Scholarships for Masters Degree to Study Abroad

Updated on Sep 2, 2024

For many people, being accepted into a reputable Masters's program is their dream come true; but, receiving financial aid for your education is even more fulfilling. Even if it might not seem possible at first to receive full or partial financial help, it is worthwhile to look into your alternatives and put in some effort. This is our handbook for creating a strong application for any available types of scholarships for masters students.

Table of Contents

1 Types of scholarships for masters students

Get familiar with the products that are currently on the market first. The three types of scholarships that Masters programs most frequently grant are merit-based, need-based, and student-specific; however, many institutions also take your financial status and academic standing into account. Types of scholarships for masters students can vary widely depending on the institution and program. Here are some different types of scholarships for master degrees.


In the event that you have demonstrated academic excellence in the past, possess a strong GPA, or scored highly on entrance examinations, be sure to inquire about any merit-based types of scholarships for masters students offered by the graduate programs you are considering. In some circumstances, if you are accepted into the program, your whole application package and the comments from your admissions interview may be taken into consideration, negating the need for you to prepare a fresh application.


Numerous scholarships are available that emphasize heritage, gender parity, diversity in foreign and cultural contexts, and other topics. Students from many nations and areas are eligible for financial help from a large number of respectable, highly international schools. Some can be as broad as the American, Asian, African, Eastern European, and Eastern European Scholarships offered by ESCP Europe to deserving applicants from these regions of the globe. Some universities, like the London Business School in the UK, only accept applications from a select group of nations, such as Thailand, Russia, and India.

Need Based

The institution may require supporting paperwork, such as bank statements or a financial plan, in order to assess your candidacy for a need-based scholarship, which is awarded to candidates who demonstrate financial need. Remember that the institution will still evaluate your application overall and your academic standing even if you are applying for need-based financial help.

Country-Specific Scholarships

Numerous nations provide scholarships intended only for students from particular nations or areas. These scholarships could be a component of programs funded by the government that promote cross-cultural dialogue and international collaboration.

Scholarships for Universities

Scholarships are a common tool used by colleges all over the world to entice talented foreign students to their campuses. These grants might be given out on the basis of financial necessity, academic merit, or a mix of the two.

External Scholarships

International students can also apply for scholarships from outside institutions like foundations, businesses, or non-profit groups. The sponsoring organization may establish unique rules for eligibility and application for these awards.

2 Scholarships available to all students studying abroad

More and more students are making the decision to study abroad. Numerous establishments and organizations provide different types of scholarships for masters students, especially for overseas students in recognition of the importance of this educational exchange.

These honors foster cross-cultural communication, draw in top talent from around the world, and improve ties between nations. They contribute to the development of a more multicultural campus with a range of experiences, viewpoints, and cultures. 

Common criteria to qualify different types of scholarship for international students are- 

  • Being an international student is a mandatory condition;

  • Language proficiency if the course is in a foreign language, demonstrated with tests like IELTS, TOEFL, or equivalent;

  • Letters of recommendation: references from teachers, mentors, or professionals attesting to your potential can be crucial.

3 Types of scholarships for masters students in India

In India, there are a variety of types of scholarships for master's students designed to support their advanced education. These include merit-based scholarships, government-funded schemes, and private-sector awards, all aimed at alleviating financial burdens and promoting academic excellence.

  • Post-Matric Scholarship for OBC, EBC and DNT Students, Haryana 2024

  • Haryana State Meritorious Incentive Scheme 2024

  • Aditya Birla Scholarships 2024

  • Education Fee Reimbursement Scheme for Open Category Students, Maharashtra 2024/25

  • PM Yasasvi Post-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students - DNHDD 2024

  • Post-Matric Scholarship to VJNT Students, Maharashtra 2024/25

  • Scholarship for Minority Students Pursuing Higher and Professional Courses (DMER), Maharashtra 2024/25

  • State Minority Scholarship for Pursuing Higher Professional Education Scholarship (Part I) 2024/25

  • Post Matric Scholarship to SBC Students, Maharashtra 2024/25

  • CSIRO Alumni Scholarship In Physics 2025

4 Tips for Applying for International Student Scholarships

1. Get Going Early

Researching scholarship options should start well in advance of when you want to begin your study abroad program. Since some scholarships have early application deadlines, it's critical to plan ahead and provide the time for preparation.

2. Conduct Extensive Research

Investigate a variety of scholarship opportunities, such as those provided by external organizations, colleges, and governments. Be mindful of the dates, application procedures, and eligibility restrictions.

3. Tailor Your Programs

Customize your scholarship applications for every opportunity that arises. Emphasize your accomplishments, life experiences, and character traits that meet the requirements for the award.

4. Seek Advice

Consult your school's foreign student office, academic counselors, or scholarship specialists without holding back. They can offer helpful guidance and support all through the application process.

5. Retain Your Order

Keep track of scholarship deadlines, application materials, and submission requirements. Create a schedule to ensure you meet all deadlines and submit complete and accurate applications on time.

5 Scholarships for Masters for Indian students

Both domestic and foreign students can pursue several types of scholarships for masters students to study in India. You may be confident that there are many inclusive scholarships in India that fit your profile, regardless of your class, creed, category, or gender. Getting a scholarship in India is not too difficult if you fulfill the necessary criteria. These prerequisites may be talent-, merit-, or means-based, as well as sports- or merit-cum-means-based.

The International School of Business Scholarship (ISB), which awards grants of more than $14,000 to graduate students pursuing master's degrees in business management, is one of the most significant merit-based scholarships offered in India.  The Master Scholarship at Nalanda University is an additional type of scholarship. The scholarship recipients who are chosen for it receive a tuition waiver in addition to stipends to help with living and food costs. Another grant that pays for tuition and other fees for foreign students from underdeveloped nations is the SIU-ICCR Joint grant, which is available to students enrolled in any course.

6 FAQs

Question1. Is there any scholarship for a master's degree?

Answer: Yes, numerous scholarships are available for master's degrees, including those offered by universities, government programs, and private organizations. Examples include the Australia Awards, Endeavour Scholarships, and university-specific scholarships.

Question2. What are my chances of gaining a scholarship?

Answer: Your chances of gaining a scholarship depend on factors like academic performance, relevant achievements, and the competitiveness of the scholarship program. Strong applications, tailored to each scholarship's criteria, can significantly improve your chances.

Question3. What are the distinctions between need- and merit-based scholarships?

Answer: Merit-based scholarships are given to deserving students in recognition of their ability and aptitude in the arts, athletics, academics, and other fields. 

Question4. What distinguishes a scholarship from a student loan?

Answer: Scholarships and student loans are two very distinct kinds of financial help. A scholarship is a type of financial reward that is not returned, while a student loan is a type of financial aid that has interest attached to it.

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