Rango (voiced by Johnny Depp) is a lonesome and skinny chameleon whose old life tosses up when the aquarium he’s been living in ends up on the edge of a busy road in the West’s desert country. Roadkill (Alfred Molina), a wise armadillo, challenges him to pursue enlightenment in the Mojave desert, a place of mystery, unrelenting heat, and great dangers. His life is so void that he accepts the challenge.
How does the movie unfold?
Rango encounters a fierce hawk in this wilderness, which causes him to flee into a pipe. Later, a sudden surge of water knocks him into the desert. In the desert, he meets Beans (Isla Fisher), a lizard with a faltering ranch due to a lack of water in the area. She is very suspicious of the water she has seen dumped. She also has an odd habit of freezing up when highly agitated. Beans takes Rango into her hometown of Dirt, where everyone is subordinate to the mayor (Ned Beatty), a tortoise. He has plenty of water and is wise enough to realize that whoever controls the water controls everything.
Rango has always desired to be the focus of attention. He tells a wild story about being the sharpshooter who killed seven evil men with a single bullet in the saloon. When the mayor learns of Rango’s exploits, he appoints him as sheriff. His self-esteem soars, and he sees himself no longer as a loser but a sincere hero on a mission. Priscilla (Abigail Breslin), a young mouse, is one of those who believe in this stranger.
Everyone in town is concerned about the lack of water, especially since someone stole the last precious jug from the bank. Rango and a slew of other animals set out to find it. Rango must also deal with Rattlesnake Jake (Bill Nighy), who has long terrorized the townspeople before the story is resolved. Can Rango live up to the trust others have placed in him, or will he cave and revert to his previous low self-esteem?
Thoughts on the movie
Rango is an animated feature directed by Gore Verbinski, who also co-wrote the original piece with James Ward Byrkit. They collaborated with screenwriter John Logan to capture and express the multifaceted aspects of adventure, comedy, mystery, and community in Western films. Of course, Rango’s quest to explore who he truly is and what he can intrigues us.
Within himself, he finds the source of his bravery and wisdom while walking to ‘the other side.’ He desires ‘to add a measure of grace to the world,’ just like Don Quixote. From beginning to end, this animated movie is a fantastic quest story that effortlessly wins us over with its lovable and vulnerable characters, crazy music, and special effects.
Key takeaways
- The movie Rango takes you on a journey of self-discovery.
- The Rango movie review says that Rango the lizard leaves no stone unturned to help the townspeople of Dirt.
- The animated movie is a must-watch for everyone who loves comedy, emotions, and drama.
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