Girl attempting her college interview for studying abroad

College interview tips | Your university interview checklist!

The moment of the truth has arrived: you are about to be interviewed for your application to study at a foreign university. The thought of an interview makes most students feel incredibly nervous. Universities use platforms such as Skype, Google, or Whatsapp to conduct interviews with international students. Face-to-face interviews are by themselves something to be worried about, but when technology gets in the way, the challenges double. This can ...

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IELTS vs TOEFL which is easier

Difference Between TOEFL and IELTS

Top Differences between TOEFL vs IELTS Although IELTS and TOEFL demonstrate your knowledge of the English language, they do so in different ways. Plus, most universities give value to one or the other depending on the subject and the country you choose. So to help you decide between IELTS vs TOEFL and find out which is easier, we share a few essential aspects you should consider while choosing. Read along to ...

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Motivational speech | Top 10 speeches students should listen to

Motivational Speech for Students | An Overview  Have you ever felt like you were stuck in a rut, wondering how to find that spark again? We've all been there – those moments when our confidence takes a hit and everything feels overwhelming. Sometimes, all it takes is a good night's rest to shift our perspective. Other times, we find ourselves drawn to the powerful words of others who've walked similar paths. Throughout ...

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