Table of Contents
Don’t let the first few questions deceive you; there are some difficult brain scratchers for you to answer. Are you a spellcaster who knows how to cast invisibility spells or a dignified muggle? You might have the possibility of passing this amazing quiz with a flawless score! Try your best, but refrain from using any magic spells to get help in answering this Harry Potter quiz!
Harry Potter movie quiz

- What does “muggle” mean?
- What is Hagrid’s height in the movies?
- What was stuck to Dobby’s back?
- Which sport uses bludgers, snitches, and quaffles?
- The Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was founded by how many people?
- Who is the ghost of Hufflepuff?
- When did Harry Potter first travel to the nearby village of Hogsmeade during his time at Hogwarts?
- What named spell appears to be most frequently used in the Harry Potter books?
- What was the middle name of Voldemort when he was born?
- The Resurrection Stone, the Cloak of Invisibility, and what other items with a thestral hair core were the three Deathly Hallows.
- What is the name of the bronze coin, which is worth less than a Sickle or a Galleon in the wizarding money of the Harry Potter universe?
- Which character with the middle name Bilius helped an opposition escape a realistic chess game in “Philosopher’s Stone”?
- Behind the Leaky Cauldron Pub is what imaginary London street, where the stores provide everything a Hogwarts child needs?
- What is the name of the paper where the dubious Rita Skeeter works in the Harry Potter universe?
Easy Harry Potter quiz
- Who is the father of Dudley Dursley?
- What is the name of the legendary hat in Harry Potter?
- There are exactly how many Harry Potter books in total?
- Harry was born in what year?
- What kind of forehead scar does Harry have?
- Cho Chang, a former flame of Harry Potter, was in which house?
- The creature in the Chamber of Secrets was called what?
- What was Ravenclaw’s House Cup score at the climax of “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”?
- Godric Gryffindor, the man who established Gryffindor House, had what weapon in his possession?
- Which house was Moaning Myrtle assigned to when she was a Hogwarts student?
Hard Harry Potter quiz
- What was Lily’s last name before she wed Harry’s father?
- What is the work of Madame Pomfrey?
- What was the name of the ghost that was killed by an axe?
- Who was the sole death eater to receive a place in Gryffindor?
- What is the full name of Nearly Headless Nick?
- What was the common room password for Slytherin house in the second part?
- What is the Hufflepuff House symbol?
Harry Potter house quiz
- What colors represent the Hufflepuff house?
- The Gryffindor house badge has a lion on it. True or false?
- Who is the Ravenclaw House Head?
- Who is the Hufflepuff House Head?
- Who or what is shown on the Ravenclaw emblem?
- In the movie, who portrayed the head of Slytherin?
- Which house did Gilderoy Lockhart belong to as a student at Hogwarts?
- What colors represent Gryffindor?
- Which house has a Horcrux cup?
- There are common rooms and dorm rooms in every one of the four Houses. How do you enter the common area of Gryffindor?
- Who is the ghost of Slytherin?
- Before the first book, how many years in a row did Slytherin win the house cup?
Hermione Granger Harry Potter Quiz
- What’s Hermione Granger’s cat’s name?
- Hermione’s Patronus is what animal?
- Hermione founded what organization in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?
- With what does Hermione destroy the Hufflepuff cup?
- What position at work does Hermione hold in Harry Potter and the cursed child?
Ron Weasley Harry Potter quiz
- Ron Weasley has exactly how many siblings?
- In The Chamber Of Secrets, who was the driver of the magical car?
- What Weasley’s brother is the oldest?
- In the Mirror of Erised, what does Ron see?
- What terrifies Ron the most?
Harry Potter sorting hat quiz

- What or who sorts students to the various houses?
- In “Goblet of Fire,” how is the founder of Ravenclaw described by the Sorting Hat, and where is her place of origin mentioned?
- Who was the very first Hufflepuff member to be sorted in Book 1?
- Who was the very first member of Harry’s year to be placed in Gryffindor?
- Who was the Sorting Hat’s owner?
Harry Potter life quiz
- When Harry visits the zoo, what does he unintentionally do?
- Before entering Hogwarts, with whom did Harry live?
- Who is Harry Potter’s most formidable nemesis?
- Who is the Ravenclaw girl that Harry likes?
- What was the original password to enter the Gryffindor Common Room?
Key takeaway
- Harry Potter fans have a unique bond that develops the moment you encounter another Potterhead. Which house do you inhabit? Have you passed the Patronus test? Has a wand chosen you already? The conversations come quickly, and despite the differences, they immediately make you feel closer to the other person.
- How well-versed are you in wizarding affairs? These Harry Potter quizzes should separate the knowledgeable readers from those who haven’t finished the first book yet!
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1. Who is the author of the famous book series Harry Potter?
Answer- J.K. Rowling is a British author who wrote the Harry Potter series.
2. How many parts do the Harry Potter movies have?
Answer- The Harry Potter movies are divided into 8 parts. 1 through 6, 7 part 1, and 7 part 2.
3. Who is the main antagonist in Harry Potter?
Answer- Lord Voldemort is the main antagonist in Harry Potter.