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Motivational short stories | A way to lead an optimistic life
Stories are one of the most miraculous creations of humanity. They hold the power of giving hope, courage, and inspiration to those in desperate need. Motivational short stories are the best of them all. Whether these stories are true or just a work of fiction, they are usually pretty believable and powerful. So, here are the top 5 motivational short stories you can turn to whenever you feel like life isn’t going the way you want it to.
Top 5 motivational short stories for you
#1. The power of not giving up
Once a man paid a visit to an elephant camp, and he was surprised to discover that they were not confined in cages or held by solid chains. The only thing keeping the elephants inside the premises was a small, thin piece of rope. He was baffled by this as he just couldn’t comprehend why the elephants wouldn’t just use their significant strength to break free of the string and escape.
The man couldn’t curb his curiosity and approached a nearby trainer to get some answers. On hearing the man’s question, the trainer replied that when the elephants are very young and not as strong, they are tied using this rope. At such a young age, baby elephants aren’t strong enough to break free of the rope no matter how hard they try. As they grow up, they start believing that whatever they do, they won’t be able to escape. So, even after they are all grown up and infinitely stronger, they don’t even try to break away.
Key motivational takeaway
One of the most motivational short stories, it emphasizes that you should always keep trying. No matter what challenges you face or how many failures you experience, never give up! It encourages you to keep believing in your strengths and abilities even in the face of failure.
#2. Encouragement can change lives
Once, a group of frogs traveled through a thick forest; two fell into a deep pit. The other frogs quickly crowded around the pit and were shocked at seeing just how deep it was. They thought of no hope for the two frogs stuck inside. However, the two frogs chose to ignore their words and tried their hardest to jump out of the pit.
What happened next…
The frogs crowded around the pit kept saying that their attempts were useless and that they should just give up. No matter how hard they tried or how much energy they put into their escape attempts, their efforts bore no fruit. Eventually, after several failed tries and listening to thoroughly discouraging words of the other frogs, one of the frogs stuck in the pit just gave up.
On the other hand, the other frog kept trying as hard as he could. Once again, the frogs crowded around the mouth of the pit kept telling him to give up and let go. Finally, the frog made a very high jump and managed to get out. The other frogs asked him if he heard them when he got out. He replied that he was deaf and thought they were cheering for him to get out the entire time.
Key motivational takeaway
Yet another meaningful, motivational short story out there; it tells you just how powerful your words can be in people’s lives. If you think about what you say, it can make a significant positive difference in the lives of those around you.
#3. You get what you give
A farmer once sold a pound of butter to a baker every day. Suddenly, the baker decided to weigh the butter to check if the farmer was giving him the right amount. He found that the butter was significantly less than a pound when he checked. He got angry and decided to take the farmer to court.
The judge asked the farmer if he was using any measure or scale to weigh the butter before selling it in the court proceedings. The farmer replied that he did not have the means to buy a proper weighing scale. When asked how he weighs the butter without an appropriate scale, he said he has been buying a pound loaf of bread from the bakery every day for years. Every morning, he just weighs the butter against that loaf of bread before selling it to the baker.
After hearing his statement, the judge declared that the baker was dishonest rather than the farmer.
Key motivational takeaway
As the famous saying goes, “What goes around comes around”; it is one of the most powerful motivational short stories that emphasize the significance of honesty and teaches you the importance of always doing right by others.

#4. Your reaction to adversity makes all the difference
A girl once visited her father and complained about how miserable her life had become. She said she was so tired of fighting one obstacle after another that she couldn’t keep struggling anymore. Her father listened very patiently before asking her to join him in the kitchen. He put three pots filled with water on the flame. When the water began boiling, he put potatoes in one pot, eggs in the second, and coffee beans in the third.
After twenty minutes of letting the pots sit on the flame, he took all the three things out of the boiling water and asked his daughter what she saw. The girls said, “Potatoes, eggs, and coffee. What else am I supposed to see here?”
What happened next…
Her father asked her to look closer. She noted that the boiled potatoes had become soft, the boiled eggs had become hard on the inside, and the coffee had become a delicious, aromatic beverage. On noting these changes, she asked her father what this meant.
Her father explained that all three items had gone through similar adversity- the boiling water. However, each one reacted differently. The potato became soft and weak. The egg hardened from the inside. However, the coffee beans changed the water and created something new and good. He told his daughter that her strengths depend on how she responds to adversity.
Key motivational takeaway
Counted amongst the best motivational short stories, it tells you that no matter what challenges and obstacles life throws at you, the only thing that matters is the way you react to the problem and how much power you give it over your life.
#5. Obstacles are the face of new opportunities
Once upon a time, a wise king ruled a prosperous territory. He placed a large boulder in the middle of a busy road and hid behind a tree nearby to see what would happen. Many of the king’s wealthiest courtiers and merchants passed through the street. None of them tried to move the boulder. Instead, they just walked around it. Some even sighed at the inconvenience and blamed the king’s staff for not maintaining the roads properly.
A while later, a poor farmer came along. He was lugging around heavy sacks full of produce. When he arrived at the boulder blocking the road, he put down his baggage and tried to move the boulder out of the way. It took him a lot of time and effort to remove the boulder from the path successfully. When he finally succeeded, he picked up his sacks and was about to go on his way until he saw a pouch where the boulder had been.
He opened the pouch and found it filled with gold coins with a note from the king. In the message, the king stated that the gold was a reward for whoever moved the boulder out of the road instead of simply walking around it or blaming others for the inconvenience.
Key motivational takeaway
All in all, it is one of the most motivational short stories you will find. It tells you the importance of facing any obstacles or challenges head-on rather than avoiding them or crying about them. Every obstacle presents a new opportunity to do something better with your life.
In a nutshell
- Whenever you feel a little down or need a push to keep going, you can turn to motivational short stories to help you keep your head above water.
- These stories give you a new perspective on life and all the challenges you face.
- Instead of running away from your problems, face them with a positive attitude and watch your circumstances improve.
Question 1: What else can I read to stay motivated?
In addition to motivational short stories, you can also read inspirational quotes and real-life success stories of eminent people to stay motivated.
Question 2: What should I keep in mind while encountering problems?
While encountering problems in life, just keep in mind that obstacles can open doors to new opportunities. Just keep giving it your best, and you’ll see all the hard work you have put in bearing fruit.
Question 3: What do I do when I feel like giving up?
Whenever you feel like giving up, remember that success is just around the corner and that if you give up now, you’ll never get the chance to see it.