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Advertisement Writing & Format

Advertisement Format English is beyond rote learning and mugging up topics. It is concerned with the holistic development of students with practical learning. That is why the English paper includes a writing section where students get to practice story writing, notice, note-making, article writing, message writing, letter writing, and advertisement writing, among others. This improves their creative skills and written communication abilities. This blog will help students learn about one topic ...

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Top OS interview questions to learn!

OS interview questions | Top questions with answers to ace your interview!

An operating system or OS is a software program that manages and operates computing devices, such as smartwatches, network towers, cards, web servers, and computers. An OS significantly eliminates the need to know coding languages to interact with computing devices. Owing to the significant benefits of an operating system, knowledge of the same for interviews for managerial-level positions in the IT industry. Keep reading to learn more about the top 10 most frequently ...

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campaign manager - aditya mirani

Becoming a campaign manager | Humans of iSchoolConnect, Aditya Mirani

Marketing is essential for making any brand successful and requires a team of individuals to execute and plan a suitable strategy. A marketing campaign manager is one who plans and executes marketing campaigns according to the needs of the firm. Working as a campaign manager requires diligent planning and a ton of knowledge and experience with foresight into consumer behavior. Read on to know how our expert Aditya Mirani grew ...

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bcom vs bba

BCom vs BBA: Which is the better course to pursue after 12th grade?

BCom vs BBA | A detailed guide Choosing the right course can pose a significant challenge for students, particularly those in commerce who are torn between a BCom and a BBA degree. This often sparks a heated BCom vs BBA debate, as aspirants strive to align their selection with their post-graduate ambitions and dreams. By offering a layout for both BCom and BBA as a stream of study, this blog will help ...

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Content marketing

Insights on Content Marketing | Humans of iSchoolConnect!

The love for content marketing It's often the people around us that inspire and motivate us to do better, to stay focused on our goals. Ankita Nagpal is one such leader who has relentlessly and effectively led the Content team over the last few years. Everything about Ankita is admirable, from the way she manages her team to her ideas and execution. And who better than her to give us an ...

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Top universities to study arts

Top universities to study arts | 10 must-know ones!

Over the recent years and particularly after the COVID-19 pandemic, art studies are fast becoming one of the most popular disciplines pursued by the student community. This is primarily because of the several well-paying, creative, and stimulating job profiles that need you to have the relevant skills and qualifications. Therefore, pursuing your undergraduate or postgraduate studies from one of the best art universities globally will be beneficial for your career. Keep reading ...

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find your perfect job abroad

Top 13 Promising Jobs Abroad

Traveling abroad for a boost in your career can be a great move. But have you ever wondered which jobs you should opt for? We have compiled a list of the most promising 13 best jobs abroad that can help you navigate your career route. Teaching Jobs Abroad Teaching English in a foreign country is one of the most common ways to get a job abroad. An experience in teaching along with a ...

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Everything you need to know about Humanities subjects

List of Humanities subjects & Arts Subjects after School

Humanities subjects Humanities subjects are a broad area of study with a plethora of incredibly intriguing and always growing employment opportunities. Given that the practical implementation of these subjects will always be preferred in every industry, these humanities subjects are popular among students. Check out what are subjects in humanities and what they include ‌- Arts and humanities subject list Humanities is an academic subject that deals with the study of the 'Human Condition,' ...

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study abroad tips

Goals for studying abroad | Primary goals to keep in mind!

An overview Goals for studying abroad Making a plan for your study-abroad goals and expectations prior to departure will assist to make your trip more meaningful. Students are so preoccupied with their immediate needs such as travel itineraries, documentation, packing, etc., that they might not be able to contemplate their goals for studying abroad. What you get from your study abroad experience will, like many other things, be heavily influenced by ...

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Top DevOps interview questions

Top DevOps interview questions in 2022

DevOps is a software engineering method that focuses on bringing together development and operations teams to automate a project. This strategy makes it simple to automate project service management and gain a better grasp of the production environment's technical stack. This strategy is based on the Agile methodology, with a focus on team communication, resource management, and cooperation. The primary advantages of employing a DevOps structure are the speed of ...

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DMLT course

DMLT course | A complete overview of the course and more!

DMLT course | What is it? The DMLT (Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology) course is a two-year diploma program that focuses on using clinical laboratory testing to diagnose, treat, and prevent disease. A medical laboratory technologist (also known as a medical technologist) checks the fluids, tissues, blood types, microbiological screening, chemical analysis, and cell counts of the human body. If you want to learn more about this course, look no further. We ...

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How to write the perfect job resume

How to write the perfect job resume?

You’ve finally found that your dream firm is hiring. You can increase your chances of getting hired with some basic procedures and best practices to develop a CV that employers will notice. Ensure making your resume relevant to the job, and easy to read. We’ve compiled a list of points that can help you prepare a perfect job resume. Create a structure Before you start working on your resume, you must first select ...

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iSC Masterclass 9 secrets you should know about Studying Abroad!