7 Tips for sentence correction

Ace sentence correction questions with these 7 smart tips

As an aspiring professional, you will have to attempt several aptitude and English tests along the path of your career. The sole purpose of these exams is to check if you're ready to take that next step - be it going to college, getting a job, or securing a promotion. This is why they test your communication, time management, and problem-solving skills. And sentence correction questions are a great way ...

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Report writing

8 Report writing tips that will make your report stand out

You may be required to write reports at school or as part of your job. These reports can be formal or informal, as well as long or short. The style and vocabulary you use should be determined by who will be reading the report and their level of knowledge or expertise. But regardless of the style you choose, your report should be clear and succinct, with material structured logically into parts, complete ...

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Top 10 technical skills everyone should have

Technical skills | 10 skills that will enhance your resume!

Technical skills | What are they? Technical skills are basically a combination of theoretical knowledge (like knowledge of heart rate) and technology (heart rate machine) that you can use to do specific tasks. As you can understand from the example, these skills are often practical and also make use of modern technology. Technical skills mainly differ from soft skills because they involve using technology and machines for specific tasks. Moreover, soft ...

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English speaking courses

Top English speaking courses online!

Introduction to English speaking courses English is the most widely spoken language across the world. Therefore, enhancing your English speaking skills is imperative. Best course for English speaking can be a great way to brush up on your speaking skills and help you communicate effectively. You can choose to go for in-person lessons to improve your command of the language or pick from a number of courses available online. These ...

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oldest universities

Top 10 oldest universities in the world

Evidence of formal higher education dates back only to the 12th century. However, most of the oldest universities in the world are believed to have been established well before that. These ancient institutions have stood the test of time and have managed to stay relevant even today! To keep up with the modern world, some of these universities have now split into autonomous colleges and revamped their curriculums entirely. Studying at ...

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logical reasoning

7 Tricky Logical reasoning questions with Answers

Tricky logical reasoning questions and answers Every year, millions of aspirants appear for competitive exams like GRE, GMAT, SAT, and more. Each of these tests is designed to measure your aptitude skills and check if you're ready to take the next step in your career. Logical reasoning questions are a great way to do that. These questions assess the analytical side of your brain by testing your logical, analytical, reasoning, and decision-making ...

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Best educational apps for students

Educational apps | Top 10 apps for students to check out!

Educational apps | An overview A long time ago, smartphones were considered a source of distraction for students. Parents and teachers were keen on doing everything in their power to keep students away from these machines. But with the advent of ubiquitous and affordable internet and the recent COVID situation, mobile apps have turned smartphones into virtual classrooms. They have introduced various educational apps that make focusing rather than getting distracted easier. Furthermore, ...

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7 highest-paying online part-time jobs for students

Part-time jobs | 10+ trending online jobs for students!

Part-time jobs | An overview Before we start with this list of the best online part-time jobs, keep in mind that the terms of your job will depend on which university and country you're in. Since each country has different protocols for employment, based on how many hours you can work, what your minimum wage should be, who can employ you and who cannot, etc. So make sure you are ...

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How to write the perfect Cover Letter

Cover letter tips | 7 easy steps to write the perfect one

While applying for a job or a university for higher studies, a cover letter is a term that comes up more than often. Ever wondered why? Well, it is a quintessential document. Especially for freshers, who are just out of school or college. It helps you cover, in brief, the reasons why you should be admitted or hired. All in all, a cover letter serves as the cover page of ...

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ACT vs SAT: A guide to choosing the right exam for you

If pursuing a bachelor's degree from abroad is your dream and you are thinking about taking either SAT or ACT exam, this will be an insightful read. What to choose between the ACT vs SAT is something that you need to analyze. This includes looking at various factors before deciding on which exam to take.  It is always better to do thorough research while choosing which exam to take. Let us ...

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improve your IELTS exam score

Improve IELTS exam score with these tips | Syllabus, tricks & more!

Many people dream of getting a stellar IELTS score and studying in the best universities abroad. But only a few achieve this feat. The IELTS exam plays an important role if you are planning your studies abroad. You need to plan your preparation well in order to get a high band score. There are a lot of tricks you can use to get there. But before moving to the tips, ...

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IELTS speaking topics 2021

IELTS speaking topics 2021 | Score 8+ using these 5 answering tips

When you search 'IELTS Speaking topics 2021' on Google, you will find a lot of articles sharing lists of IELTS Speaking topics that students were asked recently. Apparently, examiners ask questions on these topics only for a few months, until they are changed again. But a closer look at the IELTS Speaking test tells us that you can never predict what topic you might have to speak on during the IELTS ...

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