SOP for scholarship

7 essential tips for crafting an effective SOP for a scholarship abroad

Introduction to Statement of Purpose for scholarship Writing a Statement of Purpose is not easy, especially when it's an SOP for a scholarship. You need to consider a lot of factors before you start, like What are the evaluators looking for?How can I cover it under the given topic?Is there a word limit?How should I structure my Statement of Purpose for a scholarship?How to write a Statement of Purpose for a scholarship?What do ...

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MBA Statement of Purpose

How to write SOP for MBA | SOP Writing tips & SOP samples.

What is an MBA Statement of Purpose? The Statement of Purpose for MBA is an essay of 600-800 words summarizing your intent behind applying to a particular university. It is the backbone of your application, supporting the story behind your test scores, academics, work experience, and your future goals. Its main aim is to show the admissions committee at your dream university- Why do you want to do an MBA?Why do you ...

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How to write a college essay about yourself

How to write a college essay about yourself that stands out

How to write a college essay about yourself | An overview Most of your college application is filled with hard facts about you, like your academic scores, test scores, and the projects you've done. A college essay is the only part of your application where you get to talk about your personality. And even though your scores matter, who you are as a person tells a lot more about what you ...

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Google Cloud and iSchoolConnect

iSchoolConnect is now a proud Google Cloud partner!

  Wondering what it means that iSchoolConnect is a Google Cloud partner? Read on to find out more about how it helps students all around the globe. A quick background Our first association with Google began in 2018. We were offered assistance from Google Cloud, which gave us the resources to develop our AI services and create 4 amazing tools that would help students plan their study abroad journey from the comfort of ...

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All about ACT exam syllabus, pattern, dates, and more

ACT exam syllabus, pattern, and scoring 2021-2022

Introduced in 1959 as a competitor of the SAT exam, ACT is an online / paper-based exam that tests if a student is ready to start college. Since the exam is now being accepted by all the four-year colleges in the US, students from all over the world can take the test if they wish to pursue their bachelor's in the US. If you're planning to do the same, you ...

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Grad schools waiving GRE

List of grad schools waiving GRE for 2024

Introduction Several universities around the world have adapted their admission requirements in recent years. Many now offer waivers for standardized tests like the GRE, GMAT, and SAT, or provide flexibility for students to take these exams at a later stage. The move recognizes the diverse challenges faced by students globally, and that online exams might not be accessible to everyone everywhere. As a result, the number of graduate schools waiving the ...

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iSchoolConnect's AI-tools

How to study abroad hassle-free with iSchoolConnect

'What are the most confusing aspects of the study abroad process?', is a question we asked hundreds of study abroad aspirants. Out of all the responses we received, here are the top 5 things students find most confusing: Information about universities Tests required to study abroad University application process Writing the Essays/SOPs Preparing for the Visa interview Well, guess what? iSchoolConnect has online AI-powered tools that can help you understand and deal with all of these ...

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TOEFL essay topics to prepare for the exam

8 TOEFL essay topics to prepare for the TOEFL exam

A lot of students find the Reading, Listening, and Speaking sections of the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) exam fairly easy. It's the TOEFL Writing section that gives everybody a run for the woods. To reduce your nervousness and help you prepare for the TOEFL Writing section, I have included in-depth details about each question and shared tips on how to nail it. Along with that, you ...

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iSchoolConnect Scholarship

iSchoolConnect Scholarship | Scholarships for International Students

Your search for study abroad scholarships ends here. The iSchoolConnect Scholarship is providing exemplary students the opportunity to study abroad and broaden their knowledge. A humble contribution that took seed in the mind of our CEO, Ashish Fernando, the scholarship will be funding the higher education of a few students from all over the world. So, if you're someone who wants to do their bachelors or masters abroad in Fall ...

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Best ways to learn a language at home

How to learn a new language | 6 of the easiest tips!

Learning a new language is exciting and interesting. The new language can give you access to a variety of different avenues and opportunities. Before you decide on how to learn a new language, you need to choose the language you want to learn. It is also an essential factor, as specific languages can help you with certain professional opportunities.  There are plenty of ways to start learning. One of the best ...

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All about the PTE test and how to ace it

If you're planning to study abroad, there are certain tests you have to give. These include tests like GRE, GMAT, SAT, etc. along with an English proficiency exam. To prove your mettle in English, universities ask you to attempt either TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE. While there are other types of English tests offered, these 3 tests are the most popular ones worldwide. Unlike TOEFL or IELTS, the PTE test is ...

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How to write the perfect resume for university applications?

Resume for university | Here's everything you need to know! One of the most underrated parts of your college application, a resume is a one-page document that gives a brief overview of your achievements. It also highlights all the sides of your personality and shows who you are outside of school and work. Since a resume comprises so many things, it's important to write it effectively and in a manner that ...

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iSC Masterclass 9 secrets you should know about Studying Abroad!