Funny Quiz for Students

Top funny quiz questions for students to learn!

Funny quiz questions | An overview The conventional approach to teaching pupils is becoming obsolete as technology advances, and professors must invent new methods of teaching and supporting students in passing examinations with an excellent academic foundation. Most educators, parents, and teachers want their pupils to succeed in school. The many styles of learning might increase students' motivation to learn. Decades of research have shown that non-graded, low-stakes quizzes are essential. Quizzing frequently ...

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‘The Secret’ book review

‘The Secret’ book review

The Secret encourages people to visualize their goals clearly in order to attract what they want. ‘The Secret’ book review proposes various ideas that are unexpected, intriguing, and possibly debatable, such as- You can achieve almost any goal you set your mind to if you focus your attention on it and think not only that you can do it but also that you have already done it.When you focus on what you don't ...

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The Alchemist book review | Masterpiece by Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist book review | Masterpiece by Paulo Coelho!

Book review | The Alchemist You need not be an avid reader to identify the perfect book for yourself. Everyone has their preference and taste. You can love romance, thriller, or horror narratives. The moment you see a book, you’ve already decided its fate. So what comes to your mind when you read The Alchemist? The Alchemist book review will give the necessary insights you might want to know. What’s the plot? The ...

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Book review of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

Book review of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

Reading is beneficial because it enhances your concentration, memory, empathy, and communication skills. It can help you live longer, reduce stress, and boost your mental health. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is one book that takes you on a journey of self-discovery. Keep reading the book review of the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari for more profound insight. About the author Mr. Robin Sharma, one of the most acclaimed and respected ...

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RHIT | Here’s everything you should know about Rose-Hulman!

RHIT | An overview Rose-Hulman is located on a lovely campus in Terre Haute, Indiana, a tiny town approximately an hour west of Indianapolis. Their location is just a few hours from several large cities (St. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati, and Chicago), yet far enough to avoid crowds and traffic jams.  Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, Rose-Hulman also provides several programs with specialist accreditation. They value student, professor, and staff diversity. They ...

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Here are the 10 best teas around the world

Here are the 10 best teas around the world

Each type of tea available on the market today also comes with immense benefits that may work in your favor regarding physical and mental well-being. It varies depending on the type of tea you drink. Tea is also high in antioxidants, which protect your body from free radicals, which can play a role in cancer, heart disease, and other life-threatening conditions. Have a look at the best teas around the ...

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How to convert SGPA to CGPA

How to convert SGPA to CGPA

The calculating grade is an important part of college and school life. However, there are several techniques for accomplishing the same goal, the most well-known of which is GPA. The conversion from SGPA to CGPA appears to be the most perplexing of these calculations. Though SGPA and CGPA serve similar functions, they are calculated differently. In this blog, we will see how the SGPA to CGPA conversion is done and ...

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Harry Potter book series | A magical adventure.

Harry Potter book series | A magical adventure.

Harry Potter is not just a book. It is life for its fans. You must have watched the movie adaptation of this book series. The movies are fascinating to watch and are loaded with a lovely cast. The ‘Potterheads’ still think the Harry Potter book series is better than movies as it has more details. Let’s see if that’s true.  Book review- Harry Potter series Author J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter share the ...

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Wings of fire book review

Wings of fire book review

‘Wings of fire’ is the autobiography of former Indian president Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. Dr. Abdul Kalam and his colleague, a well-known scientist, Mr. Arun Tiwari co-authored the book. Dr. Kalam analyses his early life, struggle, adversity, bravery, luck, and the unique opportunity that led him to command India's space research, nuclear, and missile projects. About the writer ‘Avul Pakir Jainulabeen Abdul Kalam’ is the full name of Dr. Kalam and he ...

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What is the national game of India? Hockey, kabaddi, or cricket

What is the national game of India? Hockey, kabaddi, or cricket

History of sports The history of documented sports goes back to 3,000 years. Originated out of the need to prepare for war or training as a hunter, sporting games were largely defined by throwing spears, stakes, etc. A number of sports have evolved over time that keep humans not just entertained and healthy but yield in terms of social interactions, teamwork, and leadership. The history of sports in India goes back thousands ...

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What is equity share? | Types, benefits, and more

What is equity share? | Types, benefits, and more

An equity share, also known as an ordinary share, initiates the maximum entrepreneurial liability associated with a trading concern. An Initial Public Offering (IPO) is the first time equity shares are issued to the general public. Equity shares trade on the stock exchange. Read on to learn more about what is equity share. What are equity shares? Equity shares are long-term financing options for companies looking to raise capital. To raise capital, ...

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Epigraphy | History, inscriptions, and purpose

Epigraphy | History, inscriptions, and purpose

Ancient writings had their meaning in their respective cultural and historical eras. If one wants to learn about the past, one must understand what these writings mean. Epigraphy is the study of determining and analyzing such ancient graphemes. Epigraphers are specialists in this field. Keep reading to learn in detail about epigraphy. Etymology The term epigraphy comes from the Greek word epigraphē, which means ‘to write on.’ The term epigraph first appeared ...

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