Girl wondering How to write a statement of purpose

How to write a statement of purpose (SOP) | Sample SOPs inside!

What is a statement of purpose? A statement of purpose or SOP is an admission or application essay written by an applicant applying to a college, university, or a graduate school abroad. As a matter of fact, a well-written statement of purpose plays an essential role in getting you admission to your dream university. Keep reading to know how to write a statement of purpose, its format, and more. Statement of Purpose ...

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All about GMAT for MBA | GMAT sample test!

The GMAT exam is the first step towards a prosperous career in business management. All the top universities in the USA, UK, Canada, and other countries, require GMAT test scores to determine the eligibility of students. If you're not familiar with GMAT or confused about GMAT preparation, don't worry. This article covers all you need to know about the GMAT for MBA in universities abroad and the GMAT sample test ...

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Best value colleges of 2021

The 7 best value colleges of 2021 | Fees, Scholarships, Jobs, and more!

Introduction Students spend an average of $99,417 USD over the course of their degree. This amount can easily stack up to a lot more when you move from an undergraduate course to a postgrad degree. However, believe us when we tell you this - your degrees are worth their costs. An international experience will provide you the exposure and the opportunities needed to skyrocket your career growth. And if you choose ...

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6 Higher Ed Tech products to make your university GenZ ready

Introduction Meeting the technological demands of the upcoming generations and optimizing the enrollment processes accordingly, is an absolute necessity. The only way to do that is for educators to embrace the newly emerging technology trends in higher education. Here we mention some Higher-Ed tech. products that will make your university ready for Generation Z. 1. Conversational AI CASIE provides students as well as the faculty with a seamless human-like conversational experience This generation's affinity ...

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GRE sample test

GRE sample test | Everything you need to know about this exam!

Introduction The GRE (Graduate Record Examination) is a multiple-choice, standardized test conducted by ETS. Universities use the GRE exam scores of applicants to gauge their preparedness for graduate programs. Although these scores only form one part of your application profile, you should consider taking the exam seriously. This is because colleges use GRE scores as a benchmark to filter through their list of applicants. Think there's a lot more you don't ...

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Group of friends is the most important thing in any student accommodation

International student accommodation options

Getting out of your comfort zone and adjusting in a new place in a different country is certainly a challenge. Accommodations are one of the important things you need to sort out before you leave. Primarily, there are two options for student accommodation; on campus which are traditional dorms or apartments shared with other students from your university and off-campus where you can either live in a rental or you ...

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University interview

University interview | Which questions to ask?

University interview | What is it? The university interview provides you with an opportunity to get more information about the institute while answering any of your questions about the school and the application process. As a part of your college application process, several colleges encourage you to appear for a university interview with an Admissions representative. Generally, the university interview is optional and evaluative; meant to measure your interests, strengths, and weaknesses. ...

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Ranking, admissions, fees & more!

Massachusetts Institute of Technology | An overview! The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is famous for producing some of the best engineers and scientists in the world. Renowned worldwide for its laboratory instruction, the university focuses on programs in applied science and engineering. MIT is full of students obsessed with numbers, like inventing new things and art. If you're just as fun and quirky as they are, the university will feel like ...

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IELTS vs TOEFL which is easier

Top differences between IELTS vs TOEFL | Which is easier?

An Overview to the Top differences between TOEFL vs IELTS Although IELTS and TOEFL demonstrate your knowledge of the English language, they do so in different ways. Plus, most universities give value to one or the other depending on the subject and the country you choose. So to help you decide between IELTS vs TOEFL and find out which is easier, we share a few essential aspects you should consider ...

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How to get a student visa for USA

How to get a USA student visa 2024 | F1 visa guide

The process typically starts with applying to a university of your choice in the US and securing admission. This step results in you receiving an I-20 form or an Acceptance Letter. With the expert guidance from services like iSchoolConnect, the entire journey—from selecting schools and submitting documents to paying SEVIS fees and navigating visa application steps—can become much more manageable. Your I-20 form is an application requirement for F and M ...

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Motivational speech | Top 10 speeches students should listen to

Motivational speech for students | An overview  Do you remember the time you felt discouraged and needed some motivation to move forward? Well, a lot of things can help you move past this feeling, including good sleep or some motivational speeches. Motivational speeches can help you resonate with the speaker and believe that you are not alone. You can also gain some insights into solving the challenges life throws at you ...

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